CAT Internship Spring 2007

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yes Web Master!

Long hours and blurred vision is what it takes to come up with a good design. Sometimes it may take days to come up with something that pleases everyone, but in the end it is worth it because it not only teaches you patience, but it also makes you think outside of the box. At first when I had to redo the same design two or three times, I was annoyed, but after I was completed with the final concept, I realized that it was the best one of them all. Trail and error and design and redesign are key to making a good website.

The Athletics section of the current Bloomfield website is a poor representation of the wonderful sports played at the college. This new and improved design is something completely different from all the other pages of the website. It serves to inform parents, faculty, and students about news, games, schedules, rosters, and much more. The information is now easily accessible and up front so that the audience does not have to search for what they want. The style of the page was made in hopes of making the user feel as if they are on a professional sports website and feel inspired to come out and see the Deacons play.

What do you think? Questions/Comments?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My project experience

This is one of the major project i worked on dring the time i was at the company. the artist i helped to engineer and promote for my work experience while at HAWK INTERTAINMENT.


hey everyone, i landed an internship a few weeks ago and have been very busy since because i work about 3 or more days a week doing engineering for a production company call INCREDIBLE HAWK ENTERTAINMENT / SKY HAWK PRODUCTIONS. most of the hours put in has been promotional handout for up comming shows and events. i will later send pictures of events i helped to prduce.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Internship exprince

Since the Monday after the Superbowl (when it was 10 degrees) I have been an intern at P3 entertainment, a small
Production Company located in the heart of the Empire State Building. The company has produced various documentaries and television programs. Right now they’re producing documentaries on various New York Knicks and New York Rangers hockey players for the MSG network. I have had the opportunity to help in the production of these documentaries, from transcribing dialogue of interview sessions as well as logging and capturing footage of interviews before the editing process is done. I'm interning for a well-run and well-motivated company and I hope to gain lots of knowledge in this field before my time at Bloomfield is done.

Monday, March 19, 2007

My Internship Experience...

Well here's a story about a girl named Tierney. Who was busy making website designs. They were all nice and put together...(sound like the Brady Bunch?)

Seriously, interning as assistant webmaster is a lot of fun and it is a great opportunity for me to work with others and learn about designing. I have a lot of responsibilities and I am very independent. I like that I have my own space to work and be creative without feeling pressured. The people I work with in the office are jokesters so it is a laid back atmosphere and makes the time go by faster.

I am currently in charge of designing the new Bloomfield College site for current students and faculty. I am excited to see the final project up and running. I will try and keep you posted on all my new website adventures that will be coming soon.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Sorry i post the same pictures twice! Im just learning how to do this... :)

Does it work?


All fixed!

Signed up!

Just seeing if this works.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Prof. Oddo

Internship Summary
(Can be handed in as soon as you have pictures and some great experiences available!)

Please submit your summary electronically to:, it will be graded and averaged into your other class assignments.

It must include the following:

FIVE digital photographs(the higher the resolution, the better) of you at work in your Internship Site with your co-workers, supervisors, team members, etc. For visual art students, a photo of a sample from a project you worked on would be great!
I can provide release forms, if necessary. Each picture must include captions with names and a 1-2 sentence description.


OK Does this works???

Hellloooo out thier. just checking in and seeing if this works. Working for Sunshine Color Labs has been great so far. I have been positioned as customer service and they are gradually introducing me in to different aspects of the industry. I look forward to exploring everything. Bye ya'lll

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I think it works

hello this is cleyon. just want to see if this blogging things goes through.

Tierney's First Blog

Hello to all!!! Thekk is in the house!

Tierney's First Blog

Hello to all!!! Thekk is in the house!